Facility management for SVJ​

Building management – not for the faint of heart

It is the same in real estate as in any business. Volume of scale means you a significantly higher ROI when investing in a multifamily or commercial office building. However, this type of investment is not for the faint of heart. Your profit margins may be wider – but so are your risks and potential liabilities. Managing multi-unit properties presents unique challenges, requiring particular skills and experience to pull off right. Indeed, it is often too big a job for one person – it requires a team with skill sets and experience in, at the very least:

  • Accounting
  • Marketing and leasing
  • Maintenance, repairs and renovations
  • Managing human relations not only with several tenants, but with the community as a whole
  • Reducing operating expenses

Good multi-unit properties are hard to find – but good multi-unit property managers are even harder.

As your multi-unit property managers we will provide you with regular rental property accounting reports. We use special systems to operate our rental property accounting and report system. All our agents and operators are fully certified in using the software so you (or your accountant) will not need to deal with glitches and errors generated by inadequate program skills.

We provide all of our property owners with the following reports regularly:

  • Cash Flow Statement.
  • Balance Sheet.
  • Profit and Loss Statement.
  • General Ledger.
  • Monthly A/R Collection Report.
  • Rent Roll.

Furthermore, we provide full online access to all of our property reports. You don’t need to wait for us to send you a report – you can keep track of how we are managing your property.

We will also provide you with an annual budget forecast at the beginning of every financial year, enabling you to take your upcoming income and expenses over 12 months into account when planning your finances. 

Leasing and marketing multiunit properties

In a multiunit property some units will have different leasing periods than others. And you may occasionally have vacancies, though we try to keep that to a minimum through aggressive and relentless marketing. How relentless? What exactly does that mean? Well, that depends on the property and on the market conditions, but what we can guarantee is that you will never be kept in the dark or have to chase us for answers. Our online reports will be updated weekly to show you where we have marketed, what the outcome was, leasing status, the market conditions, and any collection issues with current residents.

We stay on top of issues with the residents through a clearly mapped out contact and follow up procedures. By the same measure, we keep you up to date on any needed repairs, and define a ceiling of repair and renovation expenses beyond which your approval is required, enabling you to be involved as much, or as little, as your time permits.